Style Guide

This document contains the visual standards related to the look and feel of the Destination Gold Coast brand. The correct use and application of Destination Gold Coast’s corporate and consumer facing identity is outlined in this guide, as is the correct formatting of all branded elements for both print and digital mediums.

This style guide should always be referred to for the consistent use of Destination Gold Coast logos and all associated visual, graphic, written and typographical elements.

Destination Gold Coast’s brand identity and visual representation is very important to all staff and associated stakeholders. Much time and effort has been spent crafting the brand into the visual embodiment of the organisation. Destination Gold Coast appreciates designers’ and developers’ adhere to the rules outlined in this guide when working with Destination Gold Coast branded elements.

When using Destination Gold Coast logos, or creating branded materials, please do not alter, tweak, disfigure or take any personal creative freedoms that may contradict the rules set out in this guide.

The following pages demonstrate examples of best practice and clarify actions that would violate the integrity of our logos and visual themes.

Brand Overview
Brand Summary

Our Brand Narrative

We’re the city by the sea that’s maintained its coastal town soul. We’re a place of powerful contrasts, the nostalgic and the new, the audacious and the abundant, all united by an unmistakable energy. It’s an energy as constant as the tides from our foreshore to our hinterland. It lives in our rainforests, baristas, life guards and vivid city lights. You can almost taste it in our fresh, salty air. It inspires the way we live, shapes the way we think and fuels our evolution. We’re not the place you used to know or think we might be. We are Destination Gold Coast.

Our Essence

We invite you to feel the energy

Our Values


By our very nature, we’re a place that inspires and creates true connection. Connection with loved ones, with nature, with community….with yourself.


We’re a celebration of life and a reminder to live it well. We welcome you to be yourself, and revel in a place that accepts you.


We’re a place that has the power to enrich people’s lives. We know it’s a gift not only to share, but to nurture and preserve for generations to come.

Our Personality


Warm & genuine


Confident & passionate


Alive & vibrant


Uninhibited & charismatic

Our Voice

We’re casually confident and down-to-earth. We speak as natural hosts, compelled to share the real depth of our home. Our passion for the Gold Coast is obvious, almost infectious. We welcome souls, old and new, to immerse themselves in a beautiful piece of Australia.

Brand Overview
Tone of Voice

Our brand voice is casually confident and down-to-earth. We speak as natural hosts, compelled to share the real depth of our home.

Our passion for the Gold Coast is obvious, almost infectious. Our tone is relatable to all. Exclamation marks, slang or pop culture references aren’t who we are. Likewise, we’re not overly formal. We are who we are – casual, confident, charismatic, warm and genuine. This energy gauge shows how we achieve our casually confident tone.


Brand Overview
Logos & Devices





The master City of Gold Coast logo is for co-operative activity and used at the discretion of the Digital Brand & Content team only.

Example Use

  • Co-operative merchandise
  • Discretionary initiatives




The corporate Destination Gold Coast logo is for business activity and used to promote our corporate brand identity. It is applied to corporate, financial, legal and internal documents that represent the organisation.

Example Use

  • Sponsorship
  • Presentations / reports
  • Forms / policies
  • Briefing templates
  • Stationery
Global Consumer*




The We Are Destination Gold Coast logo is to be used for the positive promotion of the destination in consumer facing activity in domestic and international markets *except China.

Example Use

  • Trade shows / expos / events
  • Outdoor / signage / banners
  • Flyers / brochures / press / POS
  • Website / eDM / social / influencer
Chinese Consumer




The corporate Destination Gold Coast logo is used for consumer facing activity in the China market for the positive promotion of the destination.

Example Use

  • Trade shows / expos / events
  • Outdoor / signage / banners
  • Flyers / brochures / press / POS
  • Website / eDM / social / influencer
Corporate (Unlocked)



Global Consumer (Unlocked)



Hashtag Device

The “wearegoldcoast” hashtag is a graphic device used to encourage target audiences to tag their Gold Coast specific content on social media platforms, such as Instagram.

When used outside of the social media sphere, this device is only to be used under certain circumstances for specific marketing collateral and communications.

Often this hashtag device is used when both City of Gold Coast and Destination Gold Coast are represented within a partnership. In this instance, the City of Gold Coast logo will preside over the Destination Gold Coast logo which will be supplemented with the hashtag device. Users must first seek permission from Destination Gold Coast should they wish to use the “wearegoldcoast” hashtag device within promotional materials.




C:0, M:0, Y:0, K:100


Pantone Black C


R:0, G:0, B:0






C:0, M:0, Y:0, K:0




R:255, G:255, B:255



Brand Overview
Primary Typeface

Our primary brand typeface is Helvetica Neue, a contemporary sans serif typeface. Helvetica Neue was not only used in the creation of the logo, it is also the corporate typeface used throughout all our collateral.

Used in four weights and two cases, this typeface provides our brand with a modern simplicity that is visually strong and highly legible.

Brand Overview
Fall Back Typeface

In the event that it is not possible to use the primary Helvetica Neue typeface, it is permissible to use Arial Condensed as an alternative fall-back typeface.

Prior to use however, the user must first actively seek to obtain the font files for the Helvetica Neue typeface from Destination Gold Coast. This can be done by emailing:

Brand Overview
Decorative Typeface

Black Diamond was used in the creation of the We are Gold Coast “Hashtag” device and is to be used sparingly and only under special circumstances.

Users must first seek permission from Destination Gold Coast should they wish to use the Black Diamond typeface within any promotional materials.

Brand Overview

Photography is a critical visual component used to express the essence of the Destination Gold Coast brand. A compelling image can capture the imagination of a traveller or provide a glimpse into life on the Gold Coast.

Our research shows people have a stereotypical preconception of the Gold Coast. This preconception is that the Gold Coast is known for saturated blue skies, golden glowing sand and flawless talent. Our destination is so much more than this, which is why our photographic style must always reflect the “REAL”us. The real colour and people of the Gold Coast. The imagery we use affects the way the viewer feels about the Gold Coast. We choose warm tones, combined with natural colour palettes that reflect our diverse landscape. We don’t oversaturate imagery.

Our images are honest, emotionally potent and feature real people. Whether we are capturing a moment of connection between loved ones, the defiant look in the eyes of a surfer about to paddle out, or the contagious giggles of children being children. Our people first approach to imagery conveys a genuine sense of what we stand for - connection, celebration and enrichment.

Note: To obtain Destination Gold Coast approved imagery, users can request access to our Digital Asset Management System by emailing:

Print Branding
Colour Palette

Primary Colour Palette



C:0, M:0, Y:0, K:0








C:0, M:0, Y:0, K:100


Pantone Black C

Black and white are the two colours that make up Destination Gold Coast’s primary colour palette.

Tints of black can be used sparingly. In most cases, a light shade of grey is used as a background colour overlaid with text, only within brochures.

Secondary Colour Palette






C:100, M:22, Y:34, K:0


Pantone 3145 C






C:0, M:100, Y:55, K:0


Pantone 1925 C






C:68, M:62, Y:58, K:46


Pantone Black 7 C




Cool Grey


C:57, M:36, Y:44, K:0


Pantone 444 C




Warm Grey


C:29, M:26, Y:30, K:0


Pantone Warm Grey 4 C

The above colours are available as Destination Gold Coast’s secondary colours. They are rarely used in current print materials and should not be used without approval.

Some of these colours are occasionally found on the Destination Gold Coast website.

Print Branding
Logo Minimum Sizes

To maintain readability and visual presence, Destination Gold Coast logos must not appear smaller in width than the listed specifications.







Note: Examples are not 1:1 scale.

Print Branding
Logo Clear Space

Destination Gold Coast logos must at all times be perfectly legible, without obstruction. A minimum area of clear space around all Destination Gold Coast logos must be maintained.

Refer to the diagram (right) to calculate minimum area of clear space that must surround Destination Gold Coast logos.

  • Clear space above and below the logo (X), must be equal to that of the Destination Gold Coast logos total height, at the size the logo appears within the design.
  • Clear space on either side of the logo (Y), must be equal to that of the letter ‘O’ width, at the size it appears within the design.

Print Branding
Prohibited Actions

Do not deviate from Destination Gold Coast corporate colour palette.

Do not disproportionately stretch the logo vertically or horizontally.

Do not change any of the typographical characters to a different typeface.

Do not apply a stroke, of any size or colour to any of the Destination Gold Coast logos.

Do not place a positive Destination Gold Coast logo on a background with low contrast.

Do not resize any individual element or group of elements within any Destination Gold Coast logo.

Do not reposition any of Destination Gold Coast logos graphical elements.

Print Branding
Logo Placement

The following examples provide a range of situations that demonstrate how Destination Gold Coast logos can be displayed within various print material layouts.

Please note that logos can either sit in the centre or range left, within a layout. The logo should always sit in the upper half of the layout and never at the foot of the page, unless approved by Destination Gold Coast Digital Brand and Content Team.

It is also important to point out that the Destination Gold Coast logo should always be highly legible when overlaid on imagery.

The designer is responsible for achieving a favourable image crop so that the logo is of appropriate size, has high contrast, is free from visual clutter and balanced within the composition as per Examples A, B, C, D and E.

Example A - Press advertisement

Example B - Brochure cover

Example C - Table top pull-up banner

Example D - Single image postcard layout

Example E - Multiple image postcard layout

Print Branding
Image Formatting

Photography is a critical design component that is used to express the essence of the Destination Gold Coast brand.

When creating page layouts that utilise photographs, it is important to understand that Destination Gold Coast permits two types of image formatting. They are represented by ‘Example A’ and ‘Example B’ on the right.

It is up to the designer and the Destination Gold Coast Digital Brand & Content Team to decide which formatting to employ, with the exception of press advertisements. Press advertisements should always employ fully bled images. Below is a guide listing permitted image formatting for various print collateral pieces.

Example A
  • Postcards
  • Flyers
  • Brochure covers & inner pages
  • Pull-up banners
Example B
  • Press advertisements
  • Postcards
  • Flyers
  • Pull-up banners
  • Posters
  • Invitations

See next page for specifications and executions of Destination Gold Coast image formatting.

Example A - Press advertisement

Note - Do not use white borders for press advertisements.

Example B - Brochure cover

Note - Press advertisements should always employ fully bled images.

Example A

The brochure features a white border around the image. The width of the white border is flexible, but its size should be determined by the physical size of the promotional piece.

For example, the white border on the cover of an A4 brochure like ‘Example A’, would be no less than 10mm in width. Alternatively, in a smaller promotional piece, the white border in an event postcard like ‘Example B’, would be no less than 5mm in width.

Format Example A - Brochure cover with white border.

Format Example B - Promotional event postcard with white border.

Example B

The Press Advertisement features an image that is full bleed, i.e. image extends past the edge of the page.

In the case of the A4 magazine advertisement, ‘Example A’, the designer should follow the publication bleed specifications.

Alternatively, in a smaller promotional piece like an event postcard ,‘Example B’, the designer should consult with the printer as to their bleed requirements.

Format Example A - Press advertisement with full bleed image.

Format Example B - Promotional event postcard with full bleed image.

Example A

In a larger promotional piece, the white border in a pull-up banner like ‘Example A’, would be no less than 50mm* in width.

In the case of a full bleed pull-up banner, ‘Example B’, the designer should consult with the printer as to their bleed requirements.

Note: The white border displayed in the pull-up banner artwork (right), measured 70mm. Therefore this was in keeping with the 50mm minimum specification of this guide.

Format Example A - Pull-up banner with white border

Format Example B - Pull-up banner with full bleed image

Print Branding
Image Cropping

When determining how a Destination Gold Coast image should be cropped, the designer should employ the “rule of thirds”.

The rule of thirds is an essential photographic technique. It can be applied to any subject matter to improve composition and balance. Applying the rule of thirds means the subject matter within the image is not centred, instead, the focal point is positioned to one side.

This technique not only draws the viewer’s eye into the composition, it also accommodates the effective placement of logos and typographic elements.

The diagram on the far right (Example B) demonstrates how the rule of thirds has been applied to crop the original image (Example A) within an A4 press advertisement.

Example A - Original full frame image

Example B - Destination Gold Coast ‘approved’ image crop

The diagram on the far right demonstrates how the rule of thirds has been applied to crop the original image (Example A) within a promotional postcard (Example B).

Note: To obtain Destination Gold Coast approved imagery, users can request access to our Digital Asset Management System by emailing:

Example A - Original full frame image

Example B - Destination Gold Coast ‘approved’ image crop

Print Branding
Typographic Hierarchy

Destination Gold Coast
Paragraph Styles

It is Destination Gold Coast’s intention to make sure all copy within its promotional materials is professionally typeset, is pleasing to the eye and highly legible.

The following guide shows the range of paragraph styles Destination Gold Coast print materials employ, as well as the formatting options available.

Due to the myriad of promotional materials Destination Gold Coast produces, specific typographical formatting such as point size, leading and space-after are not prescribed. Instead, it is the responsibility of the designer to professionally typeset copy guided by the examples of specific formatting found in the following pages.


Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF)

Style: 77 Bold Condensed

Alignment: Left or Centre

Colour: Black or White



Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF)

Style: 77 Bold Condensed

Alignment: Left or Centre

Colour: Black or White


Body copy

Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF)

Style: 47 Light Condensed

Alignment: Left or Centre

Colour: Black

Case: Normal

Call to Action 1

Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF)

Style: 47 Light Condensed

Alignment: Left

Colour: Black or White

Case: Normal

Call to Action 2

Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF)

Style: 77 Bold Condensed

Alignment: Left

Colour: Black or White

Case: Normal

Pull-Out Quotes

Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF)

Style: 77 Bold Condensed

Alignment: Centre only

Colour: Black or White



Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF)

Style: 77 Bold Condensed

Alignment: Left or Centre

Colour: Black or White


Print Branding
Advertising Typography

Example 1 - Print Advertisement

The ‘Helvetica Neue Condensed’ typeface family must always be used in the creation of Destination Gold Coast print advertisements.

The example on the right demonstrates how copy in a print advertisement should be typeset.

See next page for specifications and executions of Destination Gold Coast typographic formatting for this print advertisement.

Note: It’s imperative that copy is not placed over the main subject matter of the image. The designer is responsible for achieving a favourable image crop so that copy is readable, but also balanced within the composition, as per the example on the right.


Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF)

Style: 87 Heavy Condensed

Alignment: Left

Colour: White or Black (White Preferred)


Time & Location

Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF)

Style: 47 Light Condensed

Alignment: Left

Colour: White


Body Copy

Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF)

Style: 47 Light Condensed

Alignment: Left

Colour: White

Case: Normal

CTA Line 1

Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF)

Style: 47 Light Condensed

Alignment: Left

Colour: White

Case: Normal

CTA Line 2

Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF)

Style: 77 Bold Condensed

Alignment: Left

Colour: White

Case: Normal

Example 1 - Print Advertisement (cont)

Please note the typesetting specifications for the tagline, time and location, body copy and call-to-actions within an A4 print advertisement.

The tagline, time and location, body copy and call-to-actions are individual paragraphs, that when typeset as per the example on the right, act as a single visual unit.

Because print advertisements range in size, text formatting (point size, leading etc.) will vary from the listed specifications. In this case, the designer must consider the available space within the layout and resize the individual paragraphs as a group so that the proportions and spacing of the unit are maintained.


Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF) 87 Heavy Condensed

Point size: 40pt

Leading: 35

Alignment: Left

Colour: White preferred, black alternative


Time & Location

Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF) 47 Light Condensed

Point size: 10pt

Leading: 12pt

Alignment: Left

Colour: White preferred, black alternative


Body Copy

Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF) 47 Light Condensed

Point size: 8pt

Leading: 10pt

Alignment: Left

Colour: White preferred, black alternative

Case: Normal

CTA Line 1

Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF) 47 Light Condensed

Point size: 8pt

Leading: 10pt

Alignment: Left

Colour: 100% Black

Case: Normal

CTA Line 2

Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF) 77 Bold Condensed

Point size: 8pt

Leading: 10pt

Alignment: Left

Colour: White preferred, black alternative

Case: Normal

Example 1 - Print Advertisement (cont)

Please note the design specifications for the vertical line and location icon within an A4 print advertisement.

The vertical line and location icon are individual graphic elements that unify the visual unit and form part of Destination Gold Coast’s visual language.

The designer must group these graphical elements with the paragraphs and resize the visual unit as a whole so that proportions and spacing are maintained.

Vertical Line

Colour: White preferred, black alternative

Cap: Rounded

Weight: 0.75pt

Location Icon

Colour: White preferred, black alternative

Print Branding
Brochure Typography

Example 2 - Brochure

The example on the right demonstrates how copy in an incentive brochure is typeset.

See the next page for specifications and executions of Destination Gold Coast typographic formatting for this brochure.


Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF)

Style: 77 Bold Condensed

Alignment: Centre

Colour: Black



Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF)

Style: 77 Bold Condensed

Alignment: Centre

Colour: Black



Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF)

Style: 77 Bold Condensed

Alignment: Centre

Colour: 100% Black


Body Copy

Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF)

Style: 47 Light Condensed

Alignment: Left

Colour: 100% Black

Case: Normal

Pullout Quote

Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF)

Style: 77 Bold Condensed

Alignment: Centre

Colour: 100% Black


Example 2 - Brochure (cont)

Please note the typesetting specifications for the heading, circle/number, subheading, body copy and pull-out quote.


Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF) 77 Bold Condensed

Point size: 20pt

Leading: 24pt

Alignment: Centre

Colour: 100% Black


Circle / Number

Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF) 77 Bold Condensed

Point size: 7.5pt

Leading: 9pt

Alignment: Centre

Vertical Justification: Centre

Colour: 100% Black

Case: Normal


Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF) 77 Bold Condensed

Point size: 10pt

Leading: 12pt

Alignment: Centre

Colour: 100% Black

Case: Normal

Body Copy

Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF) 47 Light Condensed

Point size: 9pt

Leading: 12pt

Alignment: Center

Colour: 100% Black

Case: Normal

Pullout Quote

Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF) 77 Bold Condensed

Point size: 12pt

Leading: 13pt

Alignment: Centre

Colour: 100% Black


Print Branding
Postcard Typography

Example 3 - Postcard

The example on the right demonstrates how the copy on the reverse side of a promotional postcard should be typeset.

Weight, size, spacing, case and alignment is used to distinguish headings, subheadings, pull-out quotes, body copy, bullet points and call-to-action to achieve an obvious visual hierarchy in line with Destination Gold Coast’s typographic formatting.


Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF)

Style: 77 Bold Condensed

Alignment: Left

Colour: 100% Black or White


Pullout Quote

Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF)

Style: 77 Bold Condensed

Alignment: Centre

Colour: 100% Black or White


Body copy & Bullet Points

Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF)

Style: 77 Light Condensed

Alignment: Left

Colour: 100% Black or White

Case: Normal


Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF)

Style: 77 Bold Condensed

Alignment: Left

Colour: 100% Black or White

Case: Normal

Example 1 - Postcard (cont)

Please note the typesetting specifications for the heading, body copy, bullet points and call-to-action.

In the case of this postcard, the text has been typeset under the following considerations:

  • Amount of provided copy
  • The physical size of the postcard

Based on these considerations, point size, leading and space after is different from other promotional materials so that an equal spread of information and overall visual balance was achieved in relation the postcards physical size.

That said, it is important to note consistencies across each of the paragraph styles.

  • The subheading is only 1pt larger than the other paragraph styles
  • All paragraph styles are the same point size, with the exception of the subheading
  • The leading is consistent across all paragraph styles
  • 2mm space-after has been used to space copy formatted with the same paragraph style
  • The space-after different paragraph styles is greater than 2mm so as to visually separate a new block of information

Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF) 77 Bold Condensed

Point size: 11pt

Leading: 13pt

Alignment: Left

Colour: 100% Black


Body Copy

Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF) 47 Light Condensed

Point size: 10pt

Leading: 13pt

Alignment: Left

Colour: 100% Black

Case: Normal

Bullet Points

Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF) 47 Light Condensed

Point size: 10pt

Leading: 13pt

Left Indent: 5mm

First Line Left Indent: -4mm

Alignment: Left

Colour: 100% Black

Case: Normal

Call to action

Typeface: Helvetica Neue (OTF) 77 Bold Condensed

Point size: 10pt

Leading: 13pt

Alignment: Left

Colour: 100% Black

Case: Normal

Print Branding
Pull-Out Quotes

Pull-out quotes draw attention to valuable pieces of information and can appear either on a white background (Example A) or overlay an image (Example B). They can also feature within a page layout as a typographic inset (Example C).

Whenever a pull-out quote is used, the Destination Gold Coast quotation marks should appear centred, above, and below the quote.

The indicated quotation marks are unique to Destination Gold Coast, therefore no other quotation marks can be used.

Designers should use the examples provided on this page as a visual guide to determine the spacing and size of the quotation marks in relation to the quote.

The quotation marks artwork files can be found within the style guide package.

Example A - Rear side of promotional postcard

Example B - Annual Report (A4)

Example C - Brochure inner spreads (A5)

Example D - Destination Gold Coast quotation marks

Digital Branding

The following outlines Destination Gold Coast’s visual standards, proper use, application and the correct and consistent formatting of branded elements within digital channels.

Digital Branding
Colour Palette

Primary Colour Palette



R:255, G:255, B:255





R:0, G:0, B:0



Black and white are the two colours that make up Destination Gold Coast’s primary colour palette.

Tints of black can be used sparingly. In most cases, a light shade of grey is used as a background colour overlaid with text, only within brochures.

Secondary Colour Palette



R:33, G:143, B:163





R:196, G:0, B:75





R:72, G:69, B:69



Cool Grey


R:116, G:126, B:121



Warm Grey


R:181, G:176, B:169



The above colours are available as Destination Gold Coast’s secondary colours. They are rarely used in current print materials and should not be used without approval.

Some of these colours are occasionally found on the Destination Gold Coast website.

Digital Branding
Logo Minimum Sizes

To maintain readability and visual presence, all Destination Gold Coast logos must not appear smaller in width than the listed specifications.







Note: Examples may not be to 1:1 scale.

Digital Branding
Logo Clear Space

Destination Gold Coast logos must at all times be perfectly legible, without obstruction. A minimum area of clear space around all Destination Gold Coast logos must be maintained.

Refer to the diagram (right) to calculate minimum area of clear space that must surround Destination Gold Coast logos.

  • Clear space above and below the logo (X), must be equal to that of the Destination Gold Coast logos total height, at the size the logo appears within the design.
  • Clear space on either side of the logo (Y), must be equal to that of the letter ‘O’ width, at the size it appears within the design.

Digital Branding
Prohibited Actions

Do not deviate from Destination Gold Coast corporate colour palette.

Do not disproportionately stretch the logo vertically or horizontally.

Do not change any of the typographical characters to a different typeface.

Do not apply a stroke, of any size or colour to any of the Destination Gold Coast logos.

Do not place a positive Destination Gold Coast logo on a background with low contrast.

Do not resize any individual element or group of elements within any Destination Gold Coast logo.

Do not reposition any of Destination Gold Coast logos graphical elements.


The following section contains the technical specifications for the Destination Gold Coast website.

Content Structure

Home page content structure

The Destination Gold Coast home page consists of a hierarchical content structure that is dictated by the main menu structure. This ensures an effective user experience with important information kept as high as possible while allowing essential supplementary content to be accessible as the user moves down the page.

A significant majority of users don’t scroll down to see the whole page when visiting sites (especially returning visitors), so critical content (i.e. call-to-actions, site search) should always be ‘above the fold’ (visible on page load). Critical page content should be in the top 680px of the site.

The basic content structure should consist of 5 sections:

  1. Navigation
  2. Promotional slider or header image
  3. Page introductory copy
  4. Page content body
  5. Footer
Homepage desktop basic content structure
Mobile Grid

Vertical Grid

For a contemporary and functional experience across all new websites, a responsive, mobile-first fluid grid system should be implemented. This should appropriately scale up to 12 columns as the device or browser size increases.

This allows a consistent experience for all screen sizes and gives an accessible, industry standard framework that will future-proof the build of all new websites for Destination Gold Coast.

To maintain website proportions, the grid is set to a max content width of 1140px with 40px column padding for desktop and 20px column padding for mobile.

Note: While the grid for content is locked to a maximum 1140px for desktop, features such as header images, parallax images, carousels and background colours can continue to expand with the browser size to create a contemporary view.

Desktop grid
Tablet grid
Mobile grid

Content blocks

Desktop columns & content blocks

The 12 columns can be divided into content blocks. The grid allows for a diverse array of content blocks to keep layouts and templates visually engaging.

All 12 columns sit within the grid with 20px inner padding (desktop). Each content block is separated by 40px column padding. This ensures all content has consistent alignment.

Tablet & small desktop columns & content blocks

Due to the lower resolution of tablets, the amount of available columns is reduced. This should be considered when designing new assets to keep important content as high on the page as possible.

Mobile columns & content blocks

The 2 columns within the mobile grid create only two content blocks. In most situations however, a single content column should be used.

Desktop columns and content blocks
Table grid and columns
Mobile grid and columns


Spacing throughout each layout is based on natural incremental divisions of the 40px gutter.

For example, to maintain a strong visual aesthetic use spacing of either:

  • 40 pixels
  • 20 pixels
  • 10 pixels
  • 5 pixels
Example desktop content layout
  1. Margin: 20px
  2. Column padding: 40px
  3. Content block spacing: 40px and 20px
  4. Content padding: 20px
Example mobile content layout
  1. Margin: 10px
  2. Column padding: 20px
  3. Content block spacing: 10px
  4. Content padding: 20px
Desktop content layout
Mobile content layout

Colour Ratio

When applying colour to website pages, white is the primary and most used colour. This creates a clean and consistent design for our digital assets.

Digital assets should follow a 60:40 ratio rule where 60% of the page is white, and the other 40% is a combination of other brand and background colours.

This approach ensures maximum contrast for website imagery and brand colours.

Note: Images are not included in the 60:40 rule, but they should still adhere to brand guidelines outlined on page 15.

60% White
40% Branded colours


There are three main types of buttons to cover all design purposes.

Primary Button
The most used of the buttons. This button should be prioritised where ever possible. It is fit for use over light or calm backgrounds.

Alternate Primary Button

A standard button format. This button should be used when clear visibility of the button is an issue, mainly over busy images where the primary button loses impact.

Secondary Button

The secondary button is used for call-to-actions such as ‘Book Online’ and ‘Read More’.

Mobile and Tablet Buttons

Buttons for mobile and tablet should follow the same style and interaction rules as set for desktop. For optimal usability on touch devices, button sizes should be enlarged to accommodate for imprecise interaction.


Static state


Hover state


Click state

Fill: Transparent
Stroke: #000000
Fill: #000000
Fill: #b5b0a9

Button text

Typeface: Helvetica Neue LT Std

Style: Light Condensed

Size: 21px

Alignment: Centre

Colour: #000000 or #ffffff



Static state


Hover state


Click state

Fill: #000000
Fill: Transparent
Stroke: #000000
Fill: #b5b0a9

Button text

Typeface: Helvetica Neue LT Std

Style: Light Condensed

Size: 21px

Alignment: Centre

Colour: #000000 or #ffffff



Static state


Hover state


Click state

Fill: #218fa3
Fill: Transparent
Stroke: #000000
Fill: #b5b0a9

Button text

Typeface: Helvetica Neue LT Std

Style: Light Condensed

Size: 21px

Alignment: Centre

Colour: #000000 or #ffffff


Typographic Hierarchy

Destination Gold Coast website paragraph styles

It is Destination Gold Coast’s intention to ensure all copy used for digital assets is professionally typeset, pleasing to the eye and highly legible.

The following guide lists the range of paragraph styles the Destination Gold Coast website employs, and the correct formatting for each.

H2 Large Title

Typeface: Brandon Grotesque

Style: Regular

Size: 40px

Line height: N/A

Alignment: Centre

Colour: #1e1e1e


Intro Paragraph

Typeface: Helvetica Neue LT Std

Style: Light Condensed

Size: 21px

Line height: 27px

Alignment: Left or Centre

Colour: #1e1e1e

Case: Normal

Standard Paragraph

Typeface: Helvetica Neue LT Std

Style: Light Condensed

Size: 21px

Line height: 27px

Alignment: Left or Centre

Colour: #595959

Case: Normal

H2 Subtitle

Typeface: Brandon Grotesque

Style: Regular

Size: 30px

Line height: N/A

Alignment: Centre

Colour: #1e1e1e


H3 Sub-title of card

Typeface: Helvetica Neue LT Std

Style: Light Condensed

Size: 21px

Line height: 27px

Alignment: Left or Centre

Colour: #1e1e1e


H3 Sub sub title

Typeface: Helvetica Neue LT Std

Style: Regular

Size: 24px

Line height: N/A

Alignment: Left or Centre

Colour: #595959


Tile Body

Typeface: Helvetica Neue LT Std

Style: Light Condensed

Size: 18px

Line height: 21px

Alignment: Left

Colour: #999

Case: Normal


Typeface: Helvetica Neue LT Std

Style: Light Condensed

Size: 12px

Line height: 18px

Alignment: Left

Colour: #999

Case: Normal


Please note the typesetting specifications for large title; intro paragraph; H3 sub-title of card; standard paragraph; H2 subtitle; and tile body.

Intro paragraph

Intro paragraph requires the class=”intro” on the p tag. All intro paragraphs have a 30px top margin under the breadcrumbs.

Large Title

H2 large titles requires the class=”large” on the h2 tag and any text within the h2 needs to wrapped in a single span.

H3 Sub-Title of tile
Standard paragraph